Voluntary group life insurance is offered to employees as an optional benefit, and often employers will pay the small premium as an employee retention tool and […]
As prescription drug costs continue growing and pricey new pharmaceuticals add to health plans’ cost burdens, some carriers are starting to reduce the number of medications […]
According to a study by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, 10% of America’s workers are dependent on one substance or another. The nation […]
Every year employees across the country choose the wrong group health plan from their employer because they don’t understand the coverage and what type of plan […]
Sales of voluntary group benefits grew at a record pace in 2023 as more employers expand their offerings and demand continues booming as employees seek out […]
The Department of Labor’s new fiduciary rule, which mainly applies to 401(k) plans, will also affect employers who offer their staff health savings accounts. The new […]
While the number of U.S. workers choosing high-deductible health plans has leveled off during the last two years, uptake has been growing rapidly among one segment […]