While most organizations ramp up their benefits communications about a month before open enrollment starts, the efforts often drop off at the start of the year. […]
While COVID-19 cases start rising again, more people are once again likely to contract the coronavirus — and that usually involves getting tested. But for employees […]
Surprise bills and billing errors are driving growing dissatisfaction among Millennials and Gen Zers with their health insurance, a new study has found. HealthCare.com‘s “2022 Medical […]
A surge in federal government subsidies has led many people to drop their employer-sponsored health insurance and instead seek out coverage on government-run Affordable Care Act […]
It’s no secret that most employees do not fully understand all of their health insurance benefits, which can lead to worse health outcomes and them spending […]
Medical-related identity theft accounted for 43% of all identity theft in the United States in 2020, according to the Identity Theft Resource Center. And the majority […]
One fallout from the COVID-19 pandemic has been an increase in the number of Americans who are working from home permanently. With so many people being […]